Wednesday, January 9, 2013


You know those ‘No Parking’ signs in front of many schools throughout Lakewood? 

Well they’re there for our children’s safety. No parking during school hours allows for safe drop-off and pickup of school children. 
It also permits buses to properly park rather than block traffic while loading and unloading at a school.

This week these ‘no parking’ signs in front of an elementary school on 6th street were removed, endangering school children and causing traffic issues. The Department of Public Works stated “we received orders from Committeeman Steven Langert to remove the signs”, sources say. 

Under what authority did Steven Langert order the removal of these signs? Is Langert once again acting alone using his position to further his personal agendas with total disregard to proper procedure and at the expense of our children?

It is worth noting though, the signs are back up. Newly appointed Mayor Isaac Akerman ordered the signs be reinstalled after learning about their unapproved removal.

Who will stop Steven Langert and how? 

Source:  Everything Lakewood


  1. All Steve was doing was relocating the signs to downtown.

  2. Welcome back.

    It's good to know that someone is looking out for the common man in Lakewood - and is not scared to tell the truth.

    Best of luck - just be careful to take the time to be accurate.
